We are a group of residents advocating for neighborhood development that serves our community. 

Our story

The Alum Rock Urban Village Advocates (ARUVA) are Alum Rock area residents and business owners concerned about the lack of a robust development plan for the Alum Rock Urban Village (ARUV). The current documented Alum Rock Urban Village plan is 5-page document created 10 years ago. The economic, political and societal changes that have occurred since the plan's inception are affecting the development of the ARUV without the benefit of having a visionary, inclusionary plan based on community input. ARUVA would like to have the opportunity to develop an equitable plan as afforded to other urban villages in San Jose.    

The current form-based zoning for the Alum Rock Urban Village area allows developers to expedite projects based on building appearance not on land use. The developer's applications are simply approved by the City's planning commission and are not required to have City Council approval.  

ARUVA wants the opportunity for community residents and business owners to work in collaboration with the City and Planning Department in developing a vision for the development that occurs in the Alum Rock Urban Village. The robust urban village plan should address the quality of life of its residents, such as housing, parking, environmental concerns, and educational issues, preservation of culture, amenities and the aesthetics and consistency of design. The plan should work for residents and business owners and not just for developers.

join us!

We need Alum Rock residents and business owner representatives to join ARUVA as advocates who:

·         Voice their vision for the Urban Village

·         Advocate at all necessary civic and community meetings

·         Commit and follow through on working towards the community's vision for ARUV

·         Develop a structure for all current and future ARUV development that serves the community

To join ARUVA, sign up below or email aruva.sj@gmail.com.